Create Account
    Primary Details
    Thank You For Signing Up
    This form creates a new account for the Sustainable Winegrowing Program (SWP) Online System and allows application for Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing (CCSW).
    • have an account and want to apply for certification
    • have an account and want to add users
    • suspect that your business has an account
    • are a vineyard management company
    Do not proceed and please email
    or call (415) 532-3755 for more information.







    Create a Vineyard
    Certification Application Status


    Vineyard Information



    If your vineyard is known by more than one name, please add a backslash and additional title(s) (e.g., Oak Hill Ranch / Vineyard 26).


    APNs *



    Vineyard Physical Address *


    Create a Winery
    Certification Application Status


    Winery Information




    Winery Physical Address *


    Terms and Conditions

    This online form provides the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA) with the necessary information to set up a unique Username and Password and a customized organizational profile for the Sustainable Winegrowing Program (SWP) online self-assessment system. Maintaining this data in a secure and confidential manner is a hallmark of the SWP program. SureHarvest has securely managed CSWA grower and winery self-assessment data for more than a decade. CSWA and the SWP online system adhere to a strict Confidentiality Policy and CSWA will never share individual self-assessment or performance metrics data. To learn more about CSWA's confidentiality policy, or if you have any questions, please e-mail